Djallel Khechib

Djallel Khechib جلال خَشّيبْ

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Djallel Khechib is a Research Fellow at the Center for Islam and Global Affairs (CIGA), affiliated with Istanbul Zaim University –Türkiye, since December 2019. He holds the responsibility for the Geopolitics Department within the center, leading and overseeing its various publications including Geopolitical Compass, Geopolitical Bridges, and C-Voices.

He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the department of Asian Studies and International Relations at Algiers 3 University since 2018. He obtained a Magister degree (with thesis) from the same University (2014-2017), and a bachelor’s degree (with thesis) from Constantine University-Algeria, the Department of Political Sciences and IR (2005-2009). He was the valedictorian student during his Bachelor and Magister years. Also, Mr. Khechib obtained a second Master’s (with thesis) at the Institute of Middle Eastern Studies and Muslim Countries, Marmara University-Istanbul, after he earned a scholarship of excellence from Türkiye in 2014.

 In 2015, Mr. Khechib earned a scholarship of excellence for a short internship (at Sakarya University-Türkiye) from the Algerian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

Between 2015-2019, Mr. Khechib served as a Resident and Non-Resident Researcher at various research centers and Academic Journals in Türkiye, including IDRAK (Perception) Center for Studies and Consultations, the Egyptian Center for Studies, International Relations Academy (IRA), Insight Turkey Journal-AR, issued by SETA Center, IHH INSAMER Center, TRT Arabic, etc. He is Cooperating with both the academic review committee of “Siyasat Arabiya Journal”, issued by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Doha-Qatar, and Insight Turkey Journal-AR, issued by SETA Center- Türkiye.

Moreover, he is an active author. He published three books titled:

The Liberal International Order: Rise or Fall? John Ikenberry VS John Mearsheimer, Egyptian Institute for Studies, January 2021, Istanbul- Türkiye. (Translated Book into Arabic)

“The Struggle for Independent Will: The Effects of International System Changes on Turkish Foreign Policy”, IDRAK (Perception) Center for Studies and Consultations, Winter 2017, Istanbul- Türkiye, (In Arabic)

“The Prospects for Democratic Transition in Russia, a Critical Study for Structures and Challenges”, The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, 2015, Doha-Qatar. (In Arabic)

Also, he has other books under publication. Since 2011, Mr. Khechib published more than 45 studies on Geopolitics and International Relations, 30 Op-Ed, and translated more than 35 academic papers on Geopolitics and IR from English into Arabic published in different academic journals and research centers in Algeria, Türkiye, Egypt, Qatar, Beirut, and the USA.

Also, he conducted more than 135 intensive briefs of specialized studies written in English by prominent scholars of Geopolitics and IR (in both English and Arabic, and published in the GPC and GPB reports issued by CIGA-IZU between Dec 2019-May 2023).

In December 2018, Mr. Khechib earned the International Mahathir Mohamed Prize for Intellectual creativity that has organized by “the Kuala Lumpur Forum for Thought and Civilization” in Malaysia, for his research paper entitled: “The Impact of Islamic Movements in the Process of Democratic Transition in Malaysia: the Islamization of Democracy or the Democratization of Islam?”

Besides his academic writings, he participated with academic papers in numerous international conferences, academic symposiums, training, and youth events in different countries such as Algeria, Türkiye, Qatar, Russia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, and Lebanon.

Mr. Khechib conducts his research in four languages, Arabic, English, French, and Turkish.

His main fields of interest are Geopolitics, IR theory, Political Philosophy, Great Power Politics and International System, Geopolitics of North Africa, Eurasia, and the South China Sea, Turkish Foreign Policy, and Algerian Foreign Policy.